How do we know if we really do have a printer failure?" We cannot in confidence send (them) out to a polling place knowing they have this printer error. "Say you buy a brand new car and it works good but the oil gauge isn't working. "How is that acceptable?" Biamonte asked. Other machines had dead batteries or batteries that wouldn't hold a two-hour charge, as they were required to do. Some of the latter machines, he said, shook dramatically when they were running and workers either had to shut them down or the machines shut themselves down from the vibration. Another 58 machines exhibited problems during testing, according to William Biamonte, the Democratic elections commissioner for Nassau County. The county rejected 48 machines right at delivery, due to physical damage. The problems include printers jamming, broken monitors and wheels, machines that wouldn't boot up, and misaligned printer covers that prevented the covers from closing completely, creating security concerns. In Nassau County alone, the largest voting district outside of New York City, officials found problems with 85 percent of the 240 ImageCast machines it received so far – problems that the county characterized in a letter as "substantial operational flaws that render them unusable or that require major repairs."

The Board of Elections is examining all of the new machines before sending them out to counties. "These are serious glitches that should have been picked up in the vendor's own quality-control process," he said.īut Sequoia isn't the only problem, according to counties who have reported receiving problematic machines from the state Board of Elections after the board was supposed to have tested and certified the machines.