The better you know Macbeth, the more you will appreciate Sleep No More. I can only sum it up as art on the run, with Punchdrunk's reimagining of Macbeth fueled by the audience's own adrenaline and boldness. Clearly this is unlike anything else most people will have experienced Not only does it demand a suspension of disbelief, but of conventional notions about theater going. No one's experience will be the same, largely because each person gets to pick and choose the rooms to wander through, and the specific actors to watch as they enact various Macbeth episodes. Whether you stay the course for two or three hours, Sleep No More will keep you on your feet. After that, however, he warns that "you will have to find your own way." that if they feel overwhelmed at any point, there are Actors strategically placed on each floor who can assist anyone feeling overwhelmed. He does reassure his passengers not to worry. On the elevator there's an urbane young man, with a velvet-smooth voice issuing instructions not to talk during the show and to keep the mask in place at all times. He looks and sounds sincere, except that he's likely to evoke Duncan's e words of Duncan from Act 1, Scene 4: "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face." Despite any reservations this prompts, you'll hand him your card in exchange for a white Venetian-styled mask and it's on to a freight elevator leading to the main part of the performance. Soon a tuxedo clad host arrives to welcome the guests to Manderley. It's a set-up that encourages f drifting into the mood and atmosphere that will permeate the evening. Card in hand, there's another stop at a lounge, replete with a bandstand and bar, where drinks are served and jazz wafts through the air. The evening which can last up to 3 hours transforms attendees into inmates who are expected to shuffle through dark passageways, climb up and down stairs, stroll through cemetery plots, saunter through shrines and studies, zig-zag through mazes - not to mention going in hot pursuit of the dramatic action.īefore undertaking this exploration, there's a stop at the box office to receive a playing card, leave coats, sweaters, and bags in a coatroom. It's not a performance you watch as one within which you live. This Punchdrunk production, directed by Felix Barrett and Maxine Doyle (in collaboration with Emursive), draws on Shakespeare's classic tragedy Macbeth and Hitchcock's early work - not to mention the chutzpah of any attendee who decides to indulge in this site-specific work at the McKittrick Hotel.Ī caveat to potential attendees: This British environmental escapade is for the most adventurous theatergoers, those hearty souls who will go through thick and thin to see their Shakespeare in a fresh new light (or is it a cinematic noir light?). Sleep No More can be physically tiring, but it's never boring. And acting like entitled jerks is the fastest way to guarantee we won’t get them anymore.Nicholas Bruder as Macbeth and Sophie Bortolussi as Lady Macbeth in Sleep No More scene So–if you want cast lists from people…be kind in your requests and understanding if they don’t provide them. Obviously, they decided it wasn’t worth the abuse. There are also some people who were getting really nasty messages from anons demanding cast lists and swearing at them if they didn’t post often. It was interfering with their enjoyment of the show. I know some people who have stopped posting them because they found themselves spending too much time in the show worrying over if they were correct and if they had seen everyone. But it’s helpful to remember that we are not owed anyone else’s labor.

Perhaps people will decide they want to post them more this fall. You are absolutely right, they are helpful. They are just helpful for people who can’t go all the time Anonymous asked: Why don’t you post cast lists on here? I know you keep a very good record of the current Sleep No More residents and which roles they play but I’ve been seeing a lot of requests for cast lists and nobody seems to be posting them despite going to performances regularly.