Using /VERYSILENT instead of /SILENT will prevent any visual feedback. The option /DIR="x:\dirname" can be used to override the default install path.Ĭustomer with 25 or more licenses are able to download a 64Bit MSI installer in out customer area.
To perform a silent and unattended installation using the MSI-Installer, you need to use a command line like this for MsiExec: TREESIZE PROFESSIONAL LICENSE KEY INSTALL Msiexec /qn /i "TreeSize-圆4-Full-EN.msi" INSTALLATION_KEY="XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXX" Enter this code into SignCut to activate the dongle license. This is done by selecting the Cutter button at the top right-center of the screen.ĩ) Once registered, you will need to select your cutter and communication port. An explcit license deactivation is not necessary. Select the manufacturer, your cutter and the port. If you would like to move your user settings from your old computer to your new computer as well, please open the application (File) menu of TreeSize and open the sub menu of the 'Options' dialog (small arrow to the right). Please prefix the MSI file with the path of the network share, in which the MSI file is stored, and adjust the installation key. Do not run TreeSize as administrator unless it is truly needed. You may also set the property INSTALLATION_KEY by modifying the MSI file using a tool like Orca. 'servershare') for the network drive into the path drop-down list or target selection dialog and press enter. Map the network drive in the context of the administrator using an elevated command prompt (run CMD as administrator). TreeSize stores its settings in the user profile by default. for the first start of the application, default settings will take effect. You can adjust these default settings system-wide by creating entries in the Windows registry for each setting at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\JAM Software\TreeSize.